Kjara Feranji, poznata blogerka, upozorila je na alarmantnost koronavirusa.

Ona je uputila poruku javnosti da koronavirus nije za šalu, te da svi treba da budu odgovorni i da razmenjuju iskustva i najbolje savete kako bi se zaštitili.

- Molim vas velike zvezde poput Kendal Džener, nemojte podcenjivati problem i time slati pogrešnu poruku. Nemojte napraviti pogrešku kakvu smo napravili mi - poručila je Kjara iz kućnog karantina u Italiji i dodala:

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This is to fully explain the situation to all my foreigner followers (70% of my 18.7 millions) who clearly don’t understand the situation here in Italy at the moment: IT IS BAD. We have more than 10.000 cases, more than 600 deaths and more than 5000 people at the hospitals with bad conditions. The hospitals are not ready for all these cases and doctors and nurses are doing all they can to help as many as possible but if the number of sick doesn’t slow down they’ll have to start choosing patients based on how young and likely to survive they are. @fedez and I started a crowdfunding on Monday to help a hospital in Milan and it got over 3.6 millions € in offers and so many other people started collecting for other hospitals but there is still a lot that has to be done. The State decided to LOCK ALL OF THE ITALIANS inside their houses til April 3rd to prevent the virus to spread even more and to avoid the whole system and hospitals to collapse. We’re all living in quarantene right now, like some cities in China have done this past month. So please, start the awareness and understand that this is not a common flu and it’s way more dangerous for all of us: STAY IN as much as possible in this critical time. And If you can, help telling others to be careful and help Italy with its hospitals 🙏🏻

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- Ovo je ozbiljan problem. Događa se u mojoj zemlji i događaće se i u mnogim drugim. Molim vas, recite ono što je ispravno - poručila je Kjara.

Inače, ona i njen muž nedavno su pokrenuli kampanju za pomoć bolnici u Milanu, a do sada je prikupljeno više od četiri miliona evra.

Autor: D.T.

#Kjara Feranji
