Par je planirao bebu.

Instagram zvezdu je udario auto dok je vozila električni skuter, poginula je, a sada je dečko otkrio da joj je on kupio dvotočkaša za rođendan.

U priči o smrti “Instagram” i “Jutjub” zvezde Emili Hartridž postoji tragičan obrt.

Emili (35) je poginula u udesu u Londonu 12. jula, kad je vozeći svoj električni skuter udarila u kamion, a njen dečko Džejk Hejzel otvorio je dušu nekoliko dana nakon tragičnog incidenta.

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JUST OUT HERE INFLUENCING......@emilyhartridge 🤣

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Džejk je izjavio da je kupio skuter Emili za rođendan u maju i da je ona bila na putu do klinike za vantelesnu oplodnju kad se dogodila nesreća. Par je planirao bebu.

- To je bila tragična nesreća koja je ostavila rupu u našim životima – rekao je Džejk, dodajući da je Emili bila “najlepša osoba koju je ikad upoznao”.

U Velikoj Britaniji električne skutere je zabranjeno voziti na javnim putevima i trotoarima. Britansko Ministarstvo za transport trenutno razmatra bezbednu upotrebu ovih vozila na putevima i njihovu regulaciju.

Džejk – inače “jutjuber” – je na emotivnom snimku objavljenom u ponedeljak zahvalio svima koji su mu iskazali podršku nakon tragedije.

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IGNORE EVERYONE ELSE❣ - This is something I have been wanting to speak about for a while now but now seems like the right time to do so, so here goes.........🙋🏻‍♀️ - As I have mentioned before, when @jacob_hazell and I met, it was the worst possible time for both of us. I was about to do my 1st egg freezing cycle, he had just come out of a mental health hospital. I categorically said to everyone at the time that I did NOT want to meet anyone.......but clearly for one reason or another, the universe decided it was time we met 🤷🏻‍♀️ - So we met and started dating and quickly realised we both had our own baggage and issues surrounding ourselves, our mental health and previous relationships 💔 It was very tough for quite a few months, we broke up twice and just couldn’t seem to quite work it out but we just kept coming back to eachother 💏 - Every single person in our lives were saying ‘The first 6 months are the best. That’s the honeymoon period. It’s clearly not right for you guys so you shouldn’t be together’ 😰 - Now despite how hard it was hearing that from our nearest and dearest, we carried on trying to work things out. This plan could of course could have backfired on us but luckily it all worked out just like we so had hoped 🥰 - We have never been better and we have never been stronger 💪🏻 Jake is incredible and I feel beyond grateful to have him in my life. He is the kindest person I have ever met and he is my absolute rock day in day out 🥳 - But had we have listened to others opinions we would not have worked through our problems and come out the other side 🤚🏽 - So screw what society or people think about how a relationship should start or work, every relationship is different. We might not have had your typical start to one or had the 6 months supposed ‘honeymoon’ period people bang on about. We just did things a little differently and are currently enjoying our somewhat delayed ‘honeymoon’ period now 😊 - Moral of the story- Ignore what everyone says and go with your heart. It never fails you ❤️ ________________________________________________

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- Emili me je ohrabrivala da pričam o svojim osećanjima. Stoga sam želeo da postavim video jer je to najlakši način da se zahvalim i kažem ljudima da sam dobro - rekao je on.

Manje od mesec dana pre njene smrti, Džejk je podelio post na “Instagramu” u kom se otvorio oko njihove veze i priznao kako ga je “oduvala” kad ju je prvi put video.

On je naveo kako je prošla godina za njega protekla u rehabilitaciji od droga i alkohola, nakon čega je završio u bolnici za mentalno obolele. Čim je stao na svoje noge otišao je u lokalnu teretanu i nakon dve nedelje odlučio da pomogne vlasnicima na drugoj lokaciji u Faringdonu, gde je Emili radila kao lični trener.

Džejk je priznao da su se on i Emili povremeno svađali, ali da su njihovi srećni trenuci nadjačali sve drugo. Emili Hartridž imala je više od 350.000 pratilaca na “Jutjubu”, a 63.000 na “Instagramu”.


