Na sreću, povređenih i nastradalih nema.
Zemljotres jačine 5,3 stepeni dogodio se jutros u 6.23 u Zagrebu, a kako kažu građani, ovako jak potres se ne pamti.
Na nekim zgradama su popucali zidovi, negde se srušio krov, a u stanovima su popadale police.
Zagreb hit by 5.3 magnitude earthquake ~30 minutes ago just as full lockdown started. Now everyone’s outside grouped in front of their buildings. This won’t help.
— Filip Radelic (@fichek) 22. март 2020.
I can’t attribute this sorry! #Zagreb #earthquake
— John Richards (@GoodnightWalter) 22. март 2020.
Epicentar potresa bio je sedam kilometara severno od Zagreba na dubini od deset kilomatara. Materijalna šteta je, kao što pokazuju i fotografije kojih su društvene mreže pune, velika.
Keep 🇭🇷 Croatia in your thoughts and prayer, Zagreb just awoke to a strong earthquake
— Eduard Habsburg (@EduardHabsburg) 22. март 2020.
Fasade su završile po ulicama, automobili parkirani na ulicama uništeni, a na zagrebačkoj katedrali srušuo se deo tornja.
5.3 #Earthquake broke the tip of Zagreb cathedral
— Darth Chillash 👾 (@DarthChillash) 22. март 2020.
5,3 earthquake hits Zagreb in the early Sunday morning. Lots of damage, especially to the historic city center, no human casualties. Picture author unknown @ZDFwien @BBrihil @wc_ulrich
— Marijan Vrdoljak (@mvrdoljak) 22. март 2020.
Earthquake strikes Zagreb & surrounds! No reports of fatalities yet but 'significant' material damage (pic of famous cathedral spire posted by friend). Yeah, people there really needed an earthquake while staying put in their homes away from the virus... With you #Croatia
— Tomaz Lasic (@lasic) 22. март 2020.
Na sreću, kako prenose lokalni mediji, povređenih nema.