Na društvenim mrežama pojavili su se navodni snimci terorističkog napada u Moskvi.
Na snimcima se vidi kako naoružani ljudi ulaze u koncertnu dvoranu i odmah počinju da pucaju.
Prema prvim informacijama očevidaca, najmanje je deset mrtvih i na desetine ljudi je povređeno.
— What the media hides. (@narrative_hole) 22. март 2024.
Armed terrоrists firing at people inside the Crocus music hall in Moscow
Napad se desio pre početka koncerta grupe "Piknik".
Footage of the attack on Crocus Hall in Moscow
— TOGA (@TOGAjano21) 22. март 2024.
According to eyewitnesses who managed to escape from the building, at least 10 people died.
Najmanje troje ljudi izvršilo je napad.
Zgrada je u plamenu.
An apparent terrorist attack at a club/shopping center in Moscow before a performance started. Dozens wounded and dead. There was also an explosion and the building is on fire.
— Aric Toler (@AricToler) 22. март 2024.
Early videos show multiple men (3, per state media) in camo shooting rifles.