Ovaj model će obožavati sve žene.

Pronaći savršen kroj farmerki pravi je izazov. Potraga za modelom koji dobro pristaje, sakriva sve mane, a ističe ono najlepše na telu može da potraje.

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READ ‼️ I wanna say something very important, hope you make it to the end ~ i know i haven’t posted for ages and i really miss posting regularly but i was going through some personal stuff and now i am back but was also scared to post for a reason and that is how my style been changing lately and was worried that the people who follow me for my “alternative” style wont like how i dress at the moment, im tired of sticking with only one style because that is not really who i am. I dont have one type of style that identifies who i am, i like wearing colors too and not just black so i hope you accept who i am right now and the way i dress, my style changes with my mood so i hope you like what i bring to you 💕 i just wanna be myself on here from now on and not just post something because u will like it and i dont. thank u for reading and lemme know what u think of this fit 🌼🌼🌼

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Međutim, pronašli smo jedan upravo takav. Osim što savršeno stoji, ovaj model će biti vodeći trend u sezoni proleće leto.

Zvoncare su prošle godine zavladale modnom scenom, a ove nastavljaju svoju dominaciju, ali sa malim izmenama. Modni dizajeneri kažu da će malo širi modeli sa visokim strukom biti kroj koji će žene obožavati.

U ovim farmerkama ćete se osećati prijatno, a ujedno i izgledati fenomenalno. Zbog visokog struka noge će izgledati vitkije i duže, što ih čini savršenim izborom za bilo koju građu tela.

