Najpoznatija fitnes instruktorka na svetu Kajla Itsines nedavno je postala majka.

Svoj put trudnoće beležila je na Instagramu, kao i sada, put povratka na devojačku liniju.

Dok su jedni bili oduševljeni njenom transformacijom, bilo je onih koji su je oštro kritikovali.

Kajla je objavila fotografiju svog tela samo dva meseca nakon porođaja i napisala:

-Ponovo počinjem da se osećam kao nekada i ne samo u psihičkom smislu. Toliko sam sada motivisana za vežbanje jer je fitnes moj način brige o sebi.

Mnoge majke su nakon ove objave kritikovale Kajlu jer kažu da nije pokazala kako stvarno izgleda put povratka na staru kilažu.

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MY FIRST POST BIRTH RECOVERY PHOTO!!! (last photo before giving birth vs one week after birth). If I am honest, it is with great trepidation that I share with you this very personal image. Every woman's journey through life but especially pregnancy, birth and healing post-birth is unique. While each journey has a common thread that connects us as women, our personal experience, our relationship with ourselves and our body will always be our own. For me, regardless of how my body healed post-birth, I felt it was really important for me personally to embrace, appreciate and celebrate my body the same way that I tell all the women in this community to celebrate their body. For me right now, I celebrate my body for all it has been through and the absolute joy it has brought into my life with Arna. As a personal trainer, all I can hope for you ladies is that you feel encouraged to do the same regardless of whether you have just given birth or not, celebrate your body and the gift that it is. No matter what journey you have been on with your body, the ways in which it heals, supports, strengthens and adapts to take us through life is truly incredible. www.kaylaitsines.com/app

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- E baš ovakve fotografije čine da žene mrze svoja tela, napisala je jedna korisnica.

- Mnoge žene ne mogu da imaju ovakvo telo zbog genetike, bez obzira na to koliko vežbaju. Savršeni trbušnjaci dva meseca nakon porođaja su ekstremno retki, napisala je druga žena.


